Sunday, March 28, 2010


Ange McQueen is not the WIFE of ABSAM... so how can she tell me not to be with HH Sheikh Ahmed??

She cannot.... she is an imposter adn very very very rude.

ABSAM told me that he is loyal and faithful to me dn not a cheater or a liar!! HE says that he does not DO DRUGS and rarely drinks, as he is a DEVOUT SUNNI MUSLIM!!

She will buy the rights if she wants to play ACTRESS in my private life or ACCEPT that I said for her to leave me alone!!

THESE women are not allowed to have sex with my husband stalked me with Michael Jordan &then madee threats to me, instead of being civil.

Kelly Werner and Ange McQueen and the parties helping them.

ABSAM and I were to be in bed for our wedding.... and other business plans. He set up an INVESTMENT banking WEB-site for me, expecting to bank on his life with Lisa A. Miceli.

I am the wife..... not the others. He is not to be in the presence of other women without me!!

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