Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It does not take a genius.. to try and hack an e-mail address..

and delete whole accounts, in malice. I met her once in my life. ABSAM says that he never met her. What is the problem with me marrying?? I have dated rich rich rich people in the past.

I am studied and my family has money. My book will bring in money.... and hopefully forgiveness for others. Thank you HH Sheikh MO from DUBAI... wise advice. MASH ALLAH!!

Angelicque McQueen is a nasty desperate individual who needs mental health counseling... not an ARAB PRINCE who is held in very very high esteem in the MIDDLE EAST. SHALOM Ange McQueen.

She is trying to destroy Lisa Miceli and ABSAM and thinks that it is amusing or worthy of attention.

She is blocked from my mind. Praise ALLAH, it took forever, for her schemes to be revealed to law enforcement to get the proper security.

YOU CANNOT CHOSE your family, but you can chose your spouse.... CHOSE WISELY and treat kindly.

I CHOSE ABSAM over and over again.....

All my love,

Lisa A. Miceli

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